5 Reasons Renting is Not Throwing Money Away


Tired of being told that renting is "throwing money away"? This is outdated advice. For high-earning urbanites, renting offers financial flexibility, a curated lifestyle, and freedom from the burdens of homeownership. Read on to discover why renting might be the smartest move you make.


  • Renting offers financial flexibility, allowing you to invest in experiences, opportunities, and diverse assets instead of being tied down by a mortgage.

  • Enjoy a curated lifestyle with access to prime real estate and amenities, freeing yourself from the financial burdens and responsibilities of homeownership. 

  • Reject outdated narratives and embrace renting as a powerful statement of intentionality and financial savviness in the world of high-achieving professionals.


You've been sold a story. A narrative spun by realtors, banks, and a society obsessed with the idea that owning a home is the only path to financial security. But we're calling BS on that tired trope designed to convince you that buying is always better. We're done with outdated beliefs disguised as financial advice. While your parents may have meant well, buying a home is NOT the cornerstone of "adulting" it once was. And contrary to popular belief, buying a home is NOT the best investment you will make.

It's time to rewrite the rules and embrace a more empowered approach to wealth building. So forget what your parents told you. Owning a house isn't the only path to financial success. In fact, for HENRYs [High Earners, Not Rich Yet] living in expensive cities, embracing renting can be the ultimate power move.

5 reasons renting is a good deal

1. You're Buying a Service, Not Burning Cash

When you rent, you're paying for a roof over your head, a place to call your own (even if it's temporary), and someone else to deal with leaky faucets at 3 AM. That's a service, just like getting your nails done or hiring a dog walker. You're not setting fire to your hard-earned cash; you're exchanging it for something valuable. Renting keeps your finances liquid, allowing you to seize investment opportunities, fund your passion projects, or simply indulge in the finer things in life.

2. Flexibility is Priceless

Big city life is all about options. Maybe you'll land your dream job across the country next year, or maybe you'll decide to ditch the studio and finally get a one-bedroom with a balcony. Renting gives you the freedom to adapt to life's curveballs and changing preferences without being tied down by a mortgage.

3. An Upgraded Lifestyle

Renting gives you access to prime real estate locations, five-star amenities, and a lifestyle in line with your priorities, all without the burden of ownership. Who has time for clogged drains when you can have a rooftop pool, a private gym, and a concierge who knows your name? Picture yourself waking up in a minimalist loft in SoHo or a penthouse overlooking the city skyline. Renting allows you to experience the most exclusive neighborhoods without the burden of ownership. 

4. Hidden Costs Are Not Your Problem

Skip the headaches (and surprise expenses) that come with homeownership. No property taxes, no homeowner's insurance, and definitely no midnight calls to the plumber. Renting means predictable monthly expenses and a maintenance-free lifestyle. Those costs are (mostly) someone else's problem, which leaves you free to focus on what truly matters – enjoying your life and building your wealth. Surprise HVAC repair? It’s your landlord’s problem.

5. Your Money Can Multitask

Instead of pouring every penny into a down payment, you can invest in your career, your side hustle, or that trip to Bali you've been dreaming about. Building wealth isn't just about real estate; it's about making your money work for you, whatever that looks like. You never want to be house poor. You want to be opportunity rich. Renting empowers you to allocate your resources strategically, maximizing your financial potential.

The Bottom Line

In a world obsessed with material possessions, true freedom lies in experiences and opportunities. But that doesn't mean you have to write off homeownership entirely.  If owning a home is still a goal, there are ways to make it happen without derailing your other financial priorities. Is 10% down your secret weapon to buying a home?

In the meantime, renting provides the agility to embrace change, whether it's relocating for a dream job or simply exploring a new neighborhood on a whim. Release the guilt. You’re not behind and you don't need a mortgage to validate your success. It's time to start living life on your own terms. Within the community of successful HENRYs, renting isn't just a smart financial choice; it's a statement.


Stash Wealth offers financial planning services for 30-somethings who earn six figures.

Whether you’re saving up for Tahiti or a Tesla, we help you achieve your short-term and long-term financial goals.

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Written by Priya Malani
Founder & CEO

Priya is an industry thought leader and personal finance expert for HENRYs [High Earners, Not Rich Yet]. Her relatable, no-bullshit style has garnered attention from the largest media outlets in the country including Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, NerdWallet, and more.

Priya Malani

Priya is a force in the personal finance space. As an industry disruptor, she specializes in bringing the unapproachable world of money to young professionals across the country.

After a successful career at Merrill Lynch, Priya left Wall Street behind to empower a generation previously ignored by traditional financial institutions. In 2015, she founded Stash Wealth – a high-touch advisory firm for HENRYs™ [High Earners, Not Rich Yet].

Priya is the voice of personal finance for 20-30somethings. Her relatable, no-bullsh*t style has her sought after by some of the largest platforms in the country, including Business Insider, CNBC, NerdWallet, Conde Nast Traveler, The Wall Street Journal, and Buzzfeed.


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