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An IRS Ruling Could Open Up 401(k) Matches for Student Loans, Medical Payments
Some might benefit from using the match to pay off student loans: “For high-interest student loans [above 7%], using your match for repayment can make sense," wrote Priya Malani, founder of Stash Wealth.
Ride Out the Market Mayhem With These Strategies
“Investing is a way to grow your wealth over time, not overnight. If you don't have the time to ride out the ups and downs of the market, you should not be invested at all,” says Priya Malani, founder of Stash Wealth.
When It Comes To IRA Rollovers, Leaving Money in Cash Could Cost You Big
There’s a chance you're missing out on hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of investment gains by leaving your IRA uninvested.